DGR-358 Portable Amplifier
Used with the portable handset of cordless phone model SN-358.
Extends the communication range in 1.5 - 2 times.
Output Power
-powered from the amplifier battery ----- 3W
-powered from the car power outlet ----- 7W
-powered from the AC outlet ------------ 7W
Frequency Band ---------------------------- 268/394Mhz
Bandwidth (-3dB)
-RX ------------------------------------- 20Mhz
-TX ------------------------------------- 20Mhz
-RX ------------------------------------- -1.8dB
-TX ------------------------------------- 24dB
Output Impedance --------------------------- 50Ohm
DC ------------------------------------------ 13.8V
Dimensions ---------------------------------- 148*65*52 mm
Weight -------------------------------------- 360 grams